Easter Seals Truck

Falling Oaks Pool 810 Guilford Blvd, Medina, OH, United States

Please bring your unwanted clothes, blankets, towels, sheets, toys, household goods, etc.  to Foha on between 3-8 on November 18th or 9- 4pm on November 19th.  The Easter Seals will give us a per pound cost for items.  We make the most money on cloth items like clothes and beddng!

Parents Christmas “break”

Falling Oaks Pool 810 Guilford Blvd, Medina, OH, United States

  If you would like to have your child attend, donate cookies, or help chaperone, please sign up with our sign up genius page found here.  Thank you!!!


Board Meeting

Falling Oaks Pool 810 Guilford Blvd, Medina, OH, United States

Open to all members.   Board members meet to give updates on the pool and discuss new business.